Current Research Studies in Melbourne Paying Over $400

clinical trials, paid research participation
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

There are a couple of new research studies in the Melbourne region that are currently recruiting and offering payments to participants of over $400.

They are being run by Monash University's BASE facility in Notting Hill, which is located approx 19km south-east of the Melbourne CBD.

1. Monash Sleep Study 

The BASE Sleep Laboratory is currently seeking healthy participants aged 18-30, of Caucasian background (all four grandparents of European descent), and with English as their first language, for a study looking at differences between men and women responses to light at night time.

Payment:  Up to $600

2. Sleep and Emotional Memory Study

Seeking healthy male and female participants fluent in English and aged between 18 and 39 years for a study aimed at enhancing REM sleep and emotional memory.

Eligible participants will have no current sleep, medical, neurological or psychiatric disorders which affect their sleep, do not currently use medications that affect their sleep, will be non-smokers and consume no more than moderate amounts of caffeine and alcohol.

Payment:  $405

3. Study examining the relationship between depression and disturbed sleep

Seeking Caucasian male and female participants 18-40 for a study looking at responses to light exposure at night following administration of an antidepressant. Data will be collected at the BASE facility in Notting Hill and in the participant’s home.

Eigible participants will not be taking any medications, have no current or past psychiatric conditions and have no sleep problems.

Payment: $400

For more information on these studies and to check if you're eligible, go to


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